The difference between ‘ready’ and ‘prepared’

Let’s chat about the semantic difference in being ‘ready’ to retire from a traditional job and being ‘prepared’ for that transition. Continue reading The difference between ‘ready’ and ‘prepared’

Finding om's Fridge

finding a new “mom’s fridge”

I have observed that hiding our non-work related talents, accomplishments and interests “under a bushel” as we get older seems to be a ‘thing’ with some people ‘of a certain age’ here in North America.  Once we get past the ‘mom-will-stick-it-on-the-fridge’ stage of celebrating talent and accomplishment, some of us become very bad at tooting our own horns for anything we do outside of the jobs that dominate a third of our lives. So much of what we share about ourselves outside of the realm of family and friends is parenthetically qualified by how it relates to the job, to … Continue reading finding a new “mom’s fridge”

Continue reading finding a new “mom’s fridge”

Outside looking in…

I have these moments when I feel like I’m on the outside of my life, looking in… a peeping-tom trying to catch glimpses of the real me, and the real parts of my life. I sometimes imagine that I am walking along a darkened street, glancing in the windows of the houses I pass, the windows framing the activities of life and living.  I wait for the bits where its me doing the living, but it feels like they are few and far between.  I generally feel disconnected from forward momentum of my life. I’m not sure when this started … Continue reading Outside looking in…

Be patient with your recovery; take the time!

Be patient.  It takes time to come back from any sort of brain injury,  even if its just to find the point of balance that becomes your ‘new normal’. I fought like hell to get back to work after my haemorrhagic stroke.  I couldn’t sit at home, essentially feeling like I was under house arrest, prevented from contributing to the world and the environment I had been helping to to shape.  I wanted to go back to work.  I was bound and determined to demonstrate that there was nothing significantly different about me, my memory or my cognitive abilities.  I fought … Continue reading Be patient with your recovery; take the time!

Be an active participant in your own life

There are few things so demeaning, debilitating or soul numbing as not participating in your own life, whether it be because of choice, personal neglect or being actively prevented…Get in there and take an active role in what is happening to you and your world.  Check out my entries on the ‘short list’.  Maybe it will help.Stop sleepwalking through life. Continue reading Be an active participant in your own life

Motorcycle ride to Calgary and back

  I actually accomplished the rather macho act of riding my motorcycle to Calgary and back. I was quite pleased with how comfortable a ride my motorcycle, a Honda Shadow Aero 750T, was. There were no issues with my back, although my ‘sit bones’ really started to cause me concern. ‘Numb bum’ syndrome became quite painful. I gotta get me a better pad for the seat if I’m going to do long rides like that again. My knees were a bit stiff when I got off the bike, but I did try to stop every 100 kilometers or so to … Continue reading Motorcycle ride to Calgary and back