There will be Demons…

There will be Demons that will need to be confronted… I hope that you will have the upper hand with them, deciding when and where the battlefields will be, and not allowing them to take control of the rhythm of confrontation.Tonight, or rather, early this morning, I have awoken to mild indigestion, a known precursor to a bout with reflux. Its 1:10 am. I had been asleep for about an hour and a half. I woke, recognized the signs, preemptively took a Zantac to deal with the problem. There were, almost immediately, a mild couple of hiccups which stirred fears … Continue reading There will be Demons…

The Value of Prayer…

There have been studies of ‘studies’ that have shown that there can be a small difference in the results of an experiment involving subatomic particles that are observed directly by a human being, vs. the results being monitored mechanically and analysed after the fact. In theory, what this sort of demonstrates is that the human will can affect or help shape reality at the subatomic level. This goes forward to helping to define what quantum physics is and does in the universe. One of the major tenants of quantum physics (unless I have completely misunderstood it) is that every point … Continue reading The Value of Prayer…

First Run at Physio

And when the dust settles on the surgery, it seems as if there is always some sort of impact on the spinal accessory nerve. Which is not to say that there aren’t other areas that will require some sort of physical remediation. For instance, in my case, there is a fairly large (4 cm x 5cm) area on my left forearm that was used to create the ‘flap’ that replaced the tissue removed from the back of my throat. This area was then replaced by a graft from my thigh. The ‘therapy’ necessary is to ensure that full articulation of … Continue reading First Run at Physio

When did the art of living become so complex that we forgot how?We, in the urban centres, have forgotten how to grow our own wholesome, righteous food.We have forgotten how to shop for the food we don’t grow for ourselves.We have forgotten how to prepare the foods, how to cook the foods, how to dispose of the leftovers and waste.Where did the cancer come from? I stopped smoking 17 years ago. And yet people who smoked when I did and continued do not have any problems today. I don’t drink that much; people who drink far more have no problems, … Continue reading

Healthcare System Complaints? Got none again today…

Shortly after 8:30 pm mountain time last evening, my surgeon, Dr. David Williams called to let me know what was happening with the pathology on the samples taken during the surgery on the 26th of November. Now, think about this. At 8:30 pm a surgeon calls a patient. This call is made at the end of what was probably a very busy day. In fact, knowing what we do about David, this call was probably made at the end of another surgery… Norman Cousins once said: “Nothing is more essential in the treatment of serious disease than the liberation of … Continue reading Healthcare System Complaints? Got none again today…

Moving onwards, again

Okay, I will admit that I am still trying to organize my thoughts, trying to figure out how to present the observations and feelings I have about my recent surgeries, so this blog is a bit lame at the moment. There are two thoughts that I will share right now, that I will put into some sort of context in a day or so once I work out a structure for the blog.Thought One: When you first wake up in ICU after having a tracheotomy done, you feel like you can’t breathe… which is actually not true. For me, my … Continue reading Moving onwards, again

December 7, 2007: Home again, home again, jiggety, jig…

I’m pretty sure that the date stamp on this post will show as December 8, 2007, however I am writing it at 2:00 am, mostly ’cause I just can’t sleep. So I’m counting this as December 7, 2007.The big news is that I am actually writing this from my home! Yes, my home! I realize that there is a bit of a disconnect here, with my previous post being November 20, 2007. I did manage to complete or somehow hand off or close off the stuff that needed doing; paperwork at the office, finished up the training that I desperately … Continue reading December 7, 2007: Home again, home again, jiggety, jig…