Latest Lab Test Results

Ms. Kubrak from the Cross Cancer Institute called late this morning to update me on the results from the lab tests that I had done last week;The protein marker that indicates inflammation from the treatments is back down to normal levels.The white blood cell count is back down to normal levels.The iron in my blood is low; needs to be boosted before we slip into anemia. I’ll need to take some iron supplements. Hmmm… I was. I’m not sure when I stopped doing it as part of my morning regimen.But generally, things are good! Continue reading Latest Lab Test Results

Self Image Boost…

Last night there was a going away party for one of Gail’s employees… a simple affair done in the backroom of the local Sorrentino’s…I decided to chance it, and showed up, late. (Avoiding the speeches?) I was welcomed warmly by a lot of folk who, for the most part, seemed genuinely pleased to see me. And they all seemed to be demanding hugs…A lot of them thought that I looked really good! It might be a standard response…maybe its what they assume that I need to hear? Doesn’t really matter, however, ’cause it did make me feel better about myself… … Continue reading Self Image Boost…

Mid-term Review

Yesterday we went to the Cross Cancer Institute to meet with Dr. Jha for what I am calling a mid-term review… basically to let the gentleman have a look at how I’m doing and to make suggestions (pronouncements) about what comes next.The visit with Dr. Jha was a bit anti-climatic. Sure, he poked and prodded, and looked in my mouth, stuck a scope up my nose and down my throat… but he really didn’t say much other than it all looks good. He quizzed me a bit about functionality of tongue and swallow, weight gain (or lack thereof) but it … Continue reading Mid-term Review

Its been a good week…

I’ve had a really good week! I haven’t gained any weight, but I haven’t lost anymore, either. My mustache is really growing… really! I felt both challenged and satisfied at work this week.And I took delivery of my motorcycle last night. Damn, but its heavy! It actually scared me a bit. I will spend some quality time with it this weekend driving around the local industrial park, trying to get used to it, and its weight. But after a few minutes of trepidation on the drive home, which started with it running out of gas within 200 metres of the … Continue reading Its been a good week…

Goal setting… its about reasonable goals…

Now that I’ve returned to work in what is reputed to be record time, I wonder why some cancer patients do what I’ve done, and some simply can’t… Okay, staging of the disease does have a lot to do with it. And, location and physical impact of the disease. Ya, and the whole ‘support network’ thing does, as well. But if you baseline my situation and use it as a measuring stick to find others on the same level, its still very surprising how many people just can’t seem to get on with the business of living. (By the way, … Continue reading Goal setting… its about reasonable goals…

QOL=Quality of Life

Its now been 5 months since we started active treatment for oropharyngeal carcinoma which included surgery, chemo therapy and radiation therapy. I am ‘back to work’, usually a sign that most things are back to normal, other than the obvious emotional impact that swirls in the wake of any cancer diagnosis. In my case, I am also very disappointed in my current Quality of Life to the point that it is becoming a focus of potential depression. My tongue still doesn’t work the way its supposed to. My tongue still feels swollen, pulls to the right and generally is not … Continue reading QOL=Quality of Life