White Noise…

Sometimes a bit of white noise in the background is more comforting than silence. I haven’t written in a week, through a week that had promised all sorts of challenge. I’m sure that some of you who check in regularly may be concerned. Don’t be. All things are moving forward nicely… little to no problems. The major challenge is that a change to the anti-nausea drugs is making me very lethargic… down right sleepy, really. I am not sick. I am not spewing everywhere and everything as I did last time. We even seemed to have gotten the hiccups under control fairly early on, with the odd, gut-wrenching spasm at the esophagus/diaphragm barrier. Makes me wonder if I’m heading for a hiatus hernia…

So, I’m here, I’m good, and I’m tired.

I’ll try to write detail tomorrow as the last of the anti-nausea drugs work their way through my system.

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